28 Characters Later

So, in February I assigned myself a little project to create a new character with a short back story each day of the month and post it to Instagram with the hashtag #28characterslater. I got a co-worker to join in and come up with her own share of characters and it was good fun checking out each others ideas. Unfortunately, with my insane work schedule and other pressing matters, I wasn’t able to get to 28 different characters. I did create 16 over the course of the month though, which I’m happy about. It was a good fun project to challenge myself to create and draw outside of what I normally sit down to scribble. What follows are those drawings. Stay up to date on all my sketches and daily scribbles by following me on Instagram at @evensketchier.

The soldiers of the future aren't allowed to die. They're collected from the battlefields of the latest world war, revived, rebooted, rearranged, and repurposed... until now. She is starting the fight against the fight for the right of the repurposed to leave the battlefield.

The soldiers of the future aren’t allowed to die. They’re collected from the battlefields of the latest world war, revived, rebooted, rearranged, and repurposed… until now. She is starting the fight against the fight for the right of the repurposed to leave the battlefield.

Rufus hadnt had a proper vacation in 17 years and was determined to spend as much of it as possible vacationing the only way he knows how. This entails standing in ankle deep water whilst sipping as many tropical cocktails out of bendy straws as his liver allows.

Rufus hadnt had a proper vacation in 17 years and was determined to spend as much of it as possible vacationing the only way he knows how. This entails standing in ankle deep water whilst sipping as many tropical cocktails out of bendy straws as his liver allows.

The mer-prince of the Baltic was reliably late for years to all the photo shoots the mer-people organize for their yearly calendar. Shunned from the 2015 Seven Seas calendar as a result, I've been commissioned by him to illustrate a calendar of him, for him. He's cheap, bossy, and still reliably late, but hey, a jobs a job.

The mer-prince of the Baltic was reliably late for years to all the photo shoots the mer-people organize for their yearly calendar. Shunned from the 2015 Seven Seas calendar as a result, I’ve been commissioned by him to illustrate a calendar of him, for him. He’s cheap, bossy, and still reliably late, but hey, a jobs a job.

 this guy's the real character

this guy’s the real character

The mascot

The mascot

Arnold always was a peculiar fellow. He loved the smell of volcano in the morning, long walks in open fields, and rubbing his nose on smooth boulders.

Arnold always was a peculiar fellow. He loved the smell of volcano in the morning, long walks in open fields, and rubbing his nose on smooth boulders.

Spencer grew up in a tree with a branch overlooking an MMA gym. He would spend all of his free time watching, learning, and honing his technique. As a result of his efforts he is oft regarded as one of, if not THE toughest critter on the block. Word is, there's a chipmunk a click away that begs to differ.

Spencer grew up in a tree with a branch overlooking an MMA gym. He would spend all of his free time watching, learning, and honing his technique. As a result of his efforts he is oft regarded as one of, if not THE toughest critter on the block. Word is, there’s a chipmunk a click away that begs to differ.

Sticks, Mr. Chomps, and Grizzle, guardians of the lesser creatures. Given intelligence, super strength, and acrobatic agility from cosmetic industry testing gone wrong.

Sticks, Mr. Chomps, and Grizzle, guardians of the lesser creatures. Given intelligence, super strength, and acrobatic agility from cosmetic industry testing gone wrong.

A direct result of the nuclear disaster at chernobyl, the Ukraine's answer to sasquatch, he wanders the forests and hillsides of the disaster area. He is thought to have somehow reproduced as there have been tales of several small blue creatures seen running about but no confirmed sightings.

A direct result of the nuclear disaster at chernobyl, the Ukraine’s answer to sasquatch, he wanders the forests and hillsides of the disaster area. He is thought to have somehow reproduced as there have been tales of several small blue creatures seen running about but no confirmed sightings.

Cindy wasn't like the other Holsteins. She had dreams of making it big in the city by any means necessary. If that meant scraping by with the occasional bawdy photoshoot, then so be it. She believed deep down, that one day, the small sacrifices would pay off. One day we'd all be seeing her name in lights.

Cindy wasn’t like the other Holsteins. She had dreams of making it big in the city by any means necessary. If that meant scraping by with the occasional bawdy photoshoot, then so be it. She believed deep down, that one day, the small sacrifices would pay off. One day we’d all be seeing her name in lights.

His name was Henry, he was content, but he was just a head.

His name was Henry, he was content, but he was just a head.

Despite his peculiar appearance and his propensity to remain nude at all times save for a bowtie, one would be hard pressed to find a better man servant than Hubert in all the world.

Despite his peculiar appearance and his propensity to remain nude at all times save for a bowtie, one would be hard pressed to find a better man servant than Hubert in all the world.

Donut John is one of the lesser known pirates of the late 16th century. Not a shipment of frosting, eclairs, cannolis, or sweet treats was spared during his reign of terror. The tales of his plunders are all but lost to the annals of history.

Donut John is one of the lesser known pirates of the late 16th century. Not a shipment of frosting, eclairs, cannolis, or sweet treats was spared during his reign of terror. The tales of his plunders are all but lost to the annals of history.

It's a little known fact that Boba fett had a way more bad ass, younger sister named Abba Fett.

It’s a little known fact that Boba fett had a way more bad ass, younger sister named Abba Fett.

Sidney was born a human. He was mocked by his siblings during his formidable years with the repeated taunt, "Frrrroooggg man, frrrrooooggg man, frrroooggg man." This left him more than a little distraught, angry, and frustrated. That is, until his 37th birthday when he awoke and realized he had in fact become a frog man.

Sidney was born a human. He was mocked by his siblings during his formidable years with the repeated taunt, “Frrrroooggg man, frrrrooooggg man, frrroooggg man.” This left him more than a little distraught, angry, and frustrated. That is, until his 37th birthday when he awoke and realized he had in fact become a frog man.

Apocalyptic Aardvark

Apocalyptic Aardvark

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